Нээлттэй ажлын байрны зар 2024-01-08


Материалыг 2024.01.26ы 17.30 цаг хүртэл төсөлхэрэгжүүлэх нэгжийн оффист хүлээн авна.

Хаяг: Чингэлтэй дүүрэг, 4-р хорооМакс тауэр, 600 тоот

Утас: 7777-1501






Project Overview: 

1. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved $38 million in loans to develop ecotourism in Khuvsgul Lake National Park and Onon-Balj National Park to serve as models for economically inclusive development and conservation in Mongolia. The project will help transform two national parks in Khuvsgul and Khentii aimags(provinces) as models for economically inclusive tourism and conservation in the protected area network, by improving park infrastructure, sanitation, and capacity to manage tourism growth sustainably. The designs emphasize tourism benefits for communities, protection of natural capital, and climate-resilient facilities; and scale up from previous grant projects in each park.


2. The Ministry of Environment and Tourism is the Executing Agency of the project. The EA now invites the qualified candidates to apply for the Procurement specialist position. The specialist shall be full-time staff of the Project implementation unit based in Ulaanbaatar, with a service duration of 12 months and will be extended upon necessity and performance. Under the supervision of the project coordinator, the staff will work closely with the other PIU staff, KLNP and OBNP Administrations, soum governments, and other relevant stakeholders, to ensure effective implementation of the project procurement plan(national, PIU-based with frequent field travel). 

Qualifications/Selection Criteria:

The consultant will have: 

a) a graduate degree in law, economics, business administration, public administration, accounting and/or a related field; 
b) at least 5 years of experience in procurement of goods, works and services in public or private institutions or in the projects funded by international development agencies
c) A3 Procurement Certification is mandatory 
d) Formal training and accreditation in procurement will be an asset 
e) Good command of written and spoken English. 
f) Previous experience with multi-lateral donor projects, especially ADB and/or World Bank, is preferred.



Specific duties and responsibilities:

i. responsible for planning and implementing project procurement and ensure that all such procurement activities are carried out in accordance with the Loan Agreements between Mongolia and ADB, ADB’s Procurement Policy and Procurement Regulations;
ii. ensure that the procurement under the project is conducted in accordance with ADB guidelines and the project procurement plan approved by ADB and the government, and its updates;
iii. based on the financing agreements and in collaboration with the Executing Agency, develop, revise and maintain an up-to-date status of the procurement plan; and submit the revisions to ADB for review and approval on a regular basis;
iv. provide assistance to the MET and the evaluation and recruitment committees in organizing procurement and recruitment of consultants to accelerate processes;
v. coordinate with the MET and ADB in preparing advertisements, short listing, bidding documents, evaluation, letters of awards, draft contracts, etc., in the procurement of goods, works, and services including consultancies;
vi. liaise with ADB staff as required and submit the items to ADB requiring prior review and documents needing ADB approval;
vii. establish and maintain procurement filing system with all other relevant documents regularly and in a systematic manner for ADB and government auditing;
viii. monitor performance of activities under of the project operational and procurement plans and prepare monthly, quarterly progress reports in collaboration with other PIU staff submit to relevant stakeholders on a timely manner;
ix. monitor and evaluate contract performance, contractrisks and reports of consultants and contractors and report to the Project Coordinator and MET on a regular basis;
x. coordinate with individual consultants and supervise contract management with the assistance of individual consultants;
xi. assist the PIU in organizing procurement training and workshops for the executing andimplementing agencies;
xii. assist the project coordinator and accountant in preparing project progress reports in a timelymanner;
xiii. upon the completion of the project, assist and collaborate with PIU staffs on and provide inputs to preparation of Project Completion Report;


Interested candidates shall submit an application consisting of the following documents, prepared in English language:

Cover letter (maximum two pages);
Curriculum vitae in English using ADB format;
Reference letter from the previous employers;
Copies of all diplomas and certificates.
Copy of national identification card


Deadline for the submission of application:

A hardcopy of applications for vacancy shall be submitted to the PIU office located at Max Tower, 6th floor #600, Chingeltei District, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Phone: 7777-1501.

All documents should be submitted no later than 17:30 on January 262024. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for an interview. Lack of required documents will lead to disqualification from the evaluation.