


Ажлын байрны нэр:

Монгол Улсад Үндэсний Дасан Зохицох Төлөвлөлтийн (ҮДЗТ)  хяналт, үнэлгээний системийг боловсруулах дотоодын зөвлөх

Ерөнхий туршлага:

Байгаль орчин


Хүрээлэн буй орчны төлөвлөлт менежмент




80 өдөр (4 сарын туршид)



The Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) is executing the Green Climate Fund (GCF) funded project entitled “Building Capacity to Advance National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Process in Mongolia” with technical support from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

The objective of the NAP project is to strengthen the institutional and technical capacity of Mongolia’s government at both the national and local levels to advance the process to formulate and enhance the long-term implementation of NAP as aligned with the policy and program.[1] This project will identify and use multiple ways to integrate climate change adaptation (CCA) options into existing and new national policies, strategies, plans and programmes of the key climate-sensitive and economic development sectors and institutionalize CCA as a development strategy for Mongolia.

Expected outcomes from the NAP project are as follows:

a. Capacity of multi-stakeholders to formulate the NAP and implement NAP-priority adaptation actions, along with the capacity to monitor and review the NAP process, at national, aimag and sum levels is enhanced.

b. System for developing, upgrading and sharing information to advance the NAP process strengthened.

c. Government of Mongolia can establish a funding strategy for NAP including financing for medium and long-term CCA investment

d. Key actors and stakeholders are capable of evaluating, monitoring and communicating results of the NAP process in Mongolia.

Through the development and implementation of the NAP, the project aims to enhance institutional coordination mechanisms and put in place the capacity for informed decision-making in the government such that climate change adaptation becomes a part of Mongolia’s development strategy and plans.

The MET is seeking to recruit a national consultant to work with an international expert to develop the NAP Monitoring and Evaluation and Learning system of Mongolia, in close consultation and coordination with the NAP Project Management Unit (PMU), the Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) and the Climate Change Research and Cooperation Center (CCRCC), as well as the consultants’ team under the NAP project that is developing the National Adaptation Plan for Mongolia.

The NAP Monitoring and Evaluation and Learning (MEL) system will enable the monitoring of the progress and achievements of NAP implementation and the results and impacts against the NAP indicators under the objective NAP Project Sub-component 4: Capacity to monitor and review the NAP process in Mongolia strengthened.


The main objectives attached to this consultancy, under the leadership of the International Expert and in consultation with the NAP PMU and NAP elaboration team, are for the national consultant/specialist to: 

1) Assist in developing a Monitoring and Evaluation and Learning (MEL) system for Mongolia’s NAP to enable tracking and reporting on its implementation and results and impact against adaptation objectives (including environment, social (gender) and economic variables) and establish a periodic review system;

2) Assist in institutionalizing the monitoring and evaluation  system for the NAP process by building on the current national M&E system of Mongolia, and develop guidelines to integrate the NAP Monitoring and Evaluation and Learning system into Mongolia’s national M&E system following the Government Procedure on Monitoring of 2020 , as part of the NDC platform- Adaptation section;

3) Assist in training technical staff of relevant government institutions including decision-makers together with the International Expert, as well as train region or province, district, and sector-level officers on the use of newly developed guidelines and tools to monitor and review the NAP process following the system developed



The national consultant, working in close collaboration with the International Consultant, shall produce deliverables to the PMU. The national consultant shall ensure full documentation of the deliverables in high quality Mongolian and English languages. Full list of deliverables can be obtained from PIU via email nap.mongolia19@gmail.com 



ACADEMIC:  At least a Master’s degree in public or development policy, monitoring and evaluation, statistics, environmental sciences, economics or a closely related field.


§  A minimum of 8 years relevant work experience in developing monitoring, evaluation and learning systems for public policy and programmes in Mongolia;

§  Experience in developing M&E systems for policies, plans and programmes in close collaboration with public sector institutions

§  Demonstrated experience and skills related to formulating indicators and means of verifications, including data collection protocols and analysis for monitoring and reporting on results and impacts of public policy and bilateral and multilateral supported programmes and projects. Engagement in the environment sector would be an added advantage.

§  Experience in integrating social (i.e. gender, vulnerable groups) and economic variables in monitoring and evaluation systems, and integrating environmental variables would be an added advantage.

§  Experience in M&E systems for climate change an advantage

§  Ability to work effectively within a variety of government agencies and stakeholder groups and a diversity of individuals (gender, age, etc.);

§  Availability and commitment to perform the tasks and to deliver work on time;

§  Ability to plan, prioritize and deliver tasks effectively and on time;

§  Ability to work under pressure and to meet tight deadlines;

§  Ability to synthesize information in a clear and well-structured manner;

§  Record of working harmoniously in a team;

§  Experience in research and developing analytical reports;

§  Sensitive on do-no-harm approach.


Excellent written and oral communication skills in Mongolian and excellent knowledge of English are required




The following documents are required to be submitted in a single sealed envelope to the project before the deadline.

·             Application cover letter /both in English and Mongolian/

·             Curriculum vitae /both in English and Mongolian/

·             Financial proposal e.g., daily rate (in a separate envelope)

·             At  least  3 (three)  reference  letters  from  previous  and/or  current employers

·             Copies of diplomas and academic transcripts

·             A copy of your national ID


·         Please note that incomplete applications would not be considered

·         The submitted documents will not be returned to the applicants

·         Post is advertised for Mongolian nationals only

·         Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted

Project Address:

Building capacity to advance National Adaptation Plan process in Mongolia (NAP) project

E-mail: NAP.Mongolia19@gmail.com

Phone: 77091142

Address: Margad Center Room 303,

               7-khoroo, Sukhbaatar district, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia